"Along with Bones, 'the highest precision bass player in known existence,' and drummer Stickboy, who plays a 14-piece kit, these robots make up the German all-robot heavy metal band Compressorhead. According to the band's website, which pokes fun at its human readers as 'meatbags,' the drummer, like the guitarist, 'was created to exacting specifications. 4 arms, 2 legs, 1 head, no brain.'
Compressorhead's performance is controlled by MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) and electro-pneumatic valves that are synchronized with
the robots' head-banging movements."
Well, you knew it had to happen sooner or later... I'm only surprised it took so long.
Of course, nothing apart from a kitchen appliance would prefer
Compressorhead's cover of Blitzkrieg Bop to the Ramone's
original "meatbag" version... however, not bad, not bad. And if you like this sort of thing, here's the raging machines covering
"Bullet in the Head" by... um, those other guys.