Showing posts with label Pink Tentacle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pink Tentacle. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Triptych #15

I payed a visit to Triptych #15 the other day, expecting to see, perhaps, no more than an increase in number of the "sucker vines of spam", but was pleasantly surprised. Apparently, due to whatever tweaking Google has recently employed regarding blog comments, it seems that the spammers have been in some way confounded and temporarily, at least, are leaving Posthuman Blues alone. I am strangely relieved by this. Finding spam on Mac's last post was comparable to finding dog shit on a loved one's burial plot.

Speaking of which, I also stopped by Pink Tentacle to see if Mac's favorite cephalopod resurfaced. The news is bad. The comment section of the Tentacle's last post is distressingly familiar... but, unlike the case of Triptych #15, no one is coming forward to clarify the issue. I really hope someone does soon...

In other news, Mike Clelland - no, I didn't forget you, Mike - has recently created a new site devoted to those "Tubular Belles" Mac was so fond of (see this PMB post). He has a nice dedication page, found here.

Lastly, the image above - Tech Totem #8 - is a creation by my good pal, and loyal follower of PMB, the art shaman himself, Bob Dodson. It can be found here. His latest creation - a work in progress - is just the coolest little robot ever! Thanks, Bob!

Ah, and what do you know, it's May Day! A most blessed Beltane to you.

Till next time,

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Pink Tentacle, where are you?

I've been keeping an eye on that great site - Pink Tentacle - a favorite of Mac's - and one that I've mentioned on this blog previously, and wondering why there's been no updates in some time. Today I noticed a number of comments on the last PT post, I hadn't looked at previously, and it brought back some unfortunate memories. The last post is dated April 13th of this year and I'm sure readers of this blog and PHB will find the comment section eerily familiar.

Hopefully not ultimately as tragic, however. No, thankfully, there is no "news" of that kind.

Pink Tentacle hails from Japan, and there has been a great deal too many catastrophes in that country this year... a magnitude 9 earthquake and tsunami, a magnitude 6.6. earthquake recently, and, not to mention, Typhoon Talas, and now Roke.

One can only hope that Pink Tentacle's absence is due to continued power shortages and conservation efforts only, and that our favorite cephalapod resurfaces soon!

News Flash: In a related story: 60,000 People March against Nuclear Power in Tokyo via this news page.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Land of the Rising Sun Rises Again

Pink Tentacle is back in business and I, for one, am relieved and so very happy to see it!

There are several posters featured in the most recent announcement - "Japan is in our Hearts" - created by Japanese underground artists, and offered for sale in support of the ongoing earthquake disaster relief efforts.

My favorite one is the design above... created by Oliver Kroa Cramm.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Shigeru Komatsuzaki

Recently showing at Pink Tentacle: a series of examples of the science fiction artwork of visionary artist Shigeru Komatsuzaki. I think Mac would've gotten a kick out of these, so, help me out here, folks, and let's send them to him via the aether. Your mission: just take a look.

And, if we had any doubts about when Mac's enthusiasm for monsters and space began, we just have to read this charming bit of juvenilia at Macbots!