Monday, October 17, 2016

Seven Years Ago Today...

Seven years ago today, Mac Tonnies was just a phone call, a tweet, a blog comment, or an email away... and I guess that's a day I'd rather remember than all the days that followed. So, I'm jumping the gun on the usual PMB "anniversary" post because, ultimately, October 17, 2009, is the day that really mattered; Mac was still here.

I wandered over to his old Flickr pages today and, while it may merely be the fault of my outdated browser, half the photos on his photostream appear to have disappeared. This is not to say they can't, in some way, be viewed or accessed through old links off this blog or Posthuman Blues, but, well, it's still somewhat dismaying. Which is why I've decided to post Paul Kimball's 2009 tribute to Mac which appears on Youtube. Happily, he inadvertently archived many of those missing photos. Thanks Paul! And, thanks also for the video which appears below... Mac talking Cryptoterrestrials...

In the end, this is the way (I think) we'd all like to remember him... today, tomorrow, and every day after. It's the one comfort, the one "magical" power that film bestows more than any other art or medium...

... the ability to extend our moments of time indefinitely. Film immortalizes us.

I can think of no better way to remember Mac than seeing and listening to him again. And, to that end, I'm also posting Mac's 2008 hosting debut (below)  - Life from Other Planets - from the Canadian television series: The Supernatural Investigators. It's 23 minutes long and broken in 3 places by (deleted) commercial interruptions, so be sure to watch the whole thing. (A special thanks goes out to Mike Clelland for archiving this show and making it available to us!)

Below is a tiny video Mac uploaded to Posthuman Blues in 2008 - An Existential Moment.* I once had it on PMB, but at some point it became corrupted and I was forced to remove it. I've missed having it here though, and, so, in honor of this day - and the 34 years of days which came before it - I've brought it back. (And, once again, a very special thanks goes out to Mark Plattner.)

* BTW, when I recently visited this post, I was happy to rediscover a comment left by Bruce Duensing.

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