Saturday, March 7, 2015

March 12 Update: Glitch Fixed

Thanks to the Powers That Be, the mysterious video problem I was experiencing on my blogs has been repaired.

To celebrate, I was inspired to upload something for your viewing pleasure. I spent about 4 hours searching through YouTube fractal videos looking for something beautiful, lush, cool, unique, under 5 minutes, with a soundtrack that wasn't distracting, irritating, or downright obnoxious.

I found two, possibly three... and all of them can be found on Truman Brown's YouTube channel. The one above is Afflux.

Thanks, TB, you don't know it, but you saved my day!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Cat Island

"Cats crowd the harbor on Aoshima Island in the Ehime prefecture of southern Japan on February 25, 2015."
Photo credit: Thomas Peter/Reuters
(Click to enlarge)

"Aoshima Island is one of about a dozen "cat islands" around Japan, small places where there are significantly more feline residents than people. In Aoshima more than a hundred cats prowl the island, curling up in abandoned houses or strutting about in the quiet fishing village. Cats outnumber humans six to one on the island."

- Via the Atlantic article, A Visit to Aoshima, a Japanese 'Cat Island', Alan Taylor, 3/3//15

Every now and then I'm compelled to beam something up to Mac, and I couldn't resist this story. "Cat Island"? Made to order!

Thank you,  Xeni Jardin! :-)